Building a community through service design and responsiveness to emotions

This chapter explores emerging decolonial approaches to service design in the context of a Chilean education and design community. The chapter draws on reflection-on action (Schön, 1984) about a project that was based on the formal certification of quality, which is an official process to probe the constant improvement of educational programmes of Chilean universities. Reflections were made by the authors, who were teachers, facilitators and managers of the Master in Advanced Design (MADA) of the School of Design at the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile (PUC). This chapter shows how a formal and structured process, which is usually based on more top down administrative management, can contribute to building relationships within a programme. The project, which resulted in defining a community, was implemented over a two-year period from 2015-2017.
Arte y Sociedad, Métodos de estudio, descolonizar