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    Surviving fully Bayesian nonparametric regression models
    (Oxford University Press, 2013) Hanson, Timothy E.; Jara Vallejos, Alejandro Antonio
    This chapter compares two Bayesian nonparametric models that generalize the accelerated failure time model, based on recent work on probability models for predictor-dependent probability distributions. It begins by reviewing commonly used semiparametric survival models. It then discusses the Bayesian nonparametric priors used in the generalizations of the accelerated failure time (AFT) model. Next, the two generalizations of the accelerated failure time model are introduced and compared by means of real-life data analyses. The models correspond to generalizations of AFT models based on dependent extensions of the Dirichlet process (DP) and Polya tree (PT) priors. Advantages of the induced survival regression models include ease of interpretability and computational tractability.
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    Bayesian Nonparametric Approaches for ROC Curve Inference
    (2015) Calhau Fernandes, Inacio De Carvalho Vanda; Jara, Alejandro; Bras De Carvalho, Miguel
    The development of medical diagnostic tests is of great importance in clinical practice, public health, and medical research. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a popular tool for evaluating the accuracy of such tests. We review Bayesian nonparametric methods based on Dirichlet process mixtures and the Bayesian bootstrap for ROC curve estimation and regression. The methods are illustrated by means of data concerning diagnosis of lung cancer in women.
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    Fully Nonparametric Regression Modelling of Misclassified Censored Time-to-Event Data
    (2015) Jara, Alejandro; Garcia Zattera, María José; Komárek, Arnost
    We propose a fully nonparametric modelling approach for time-to-event regression data, when the response of interest can only be determined to lie in an interval obtained from a sequence of examination times and the determination of the occurrence of the event is subject to misclassification. The covariate-dependent time-to-event distributions are modelled using a linear dependent Dirichlet process mixture model. A general misclassification model is discussed, considering the possibility that different examiners were involved in the assessment of the occurrence of the events for a given subject across time. An advantage of the proposed model is that the underlying time-to-event distributions and the misclassification parameters can be estimated without any external information about the latter parameters.
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    De Bruno Mars a Josquin des Prez. Archivos y reciclajes musicales en las eras de la imprenta e Internet
    (2023) Vera Aguilera, Alejandro; García, Miguel A.
    In recent years, the number of publications aimed at reflecting on the impact that new technologies have on the music field has grown. One of the most famous and interesting –although controversial– is the book Retromania by Simon Reynolds (2012). In this work, the author argues that “YouTube's gigantic collective archive” has caused unprecedented changes since the presence of the past in our lives has “insidiously” increased. In the field of pop and rock, this would have led to the development of the retro trend, characterized, among other things, by alluding to a close past, implying an exact memory of the original and including artifacts from popular (and not only “high”) culture. Drawing from Reynolds' reflections, this essay compares the phenomena observed in the mass popular music of recent years with trends already observed in the music of the written tradition of previous centuries (particularly the 16th and 17th centuries). It concludes that the phenomena described in Retromania are far from being unprecedented and that there has been, in history, a close relationship between the most far-reaching cultural changes, nostalgia for past music, and the development of new means to archive it.
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    Políticas para la implementación de una estrategia circular en la construcción
    (Centro de Políticas Públicas, 2022) Ossio Castillo, Felipe; D'Alencon Castrillon, Renato; De León, Anamaría; Saintard, Roger; Ramos, Camila; Irarrázaval, Ignacio; Piña, Elisa; Casielles, Ignacio; Centro de Políticas Públicas UC (Chile)
    La industria de la construcción es actualmente la mayor consumidora de recursos y materias primas, y genera un 35% de los residuos a nivel mundial. Esto puede ser contrarrestado con la implementación de estrategias que estén en línea con los principios de la economía circular, motivo por el cual el sector de la construcción es considerado uno de los espacios claves para una efectiva transición del mundo a la economía circular. Entre dichas estrategias destaca la inclusión de materiales y componentes con atributos circulares, que permitiría disminuir el uso de materias primas vírgenes cuya extracción y procesamiento es intensivo en energía y materiales. Sin embargo, la experiencia internacional muestra que la inclusión de materiales y componentescon estas características no se da naturalmente, ya sea por sus características técnicas, barreras regulatorias, actitudes y percepciones de los actores involucrados, entre otros, y requiere de una intervención externa para que ocurra. El presente trabajo tiene por objeto proponer una política pública que fomente adecuadamente la incorporación de materiales y componentes con atributos circulares en el sector de la construcción. Mediante la revisión de la literatura internacional y del cuadro normativo nacional, y el análisis del ecosistema de la construcción, se obtuvieron 19 estrategias -entre incentivos, estrategias neutras, desincentivos y exigencias-, de las cuales se profundiza en siete para promover la incorporación de materiales y componentes con atributos circulares en la construcción, en atención a su efectividad. Las siete estrategias se dividen en aquellas políticas públicas que no requieren de leyes para su implementación (tres) y las que sí necesitan nuevas leyes (cuatro).Las siete propuestas tienen una relación y coherencia entre ellas; y, en consecuencia, deben ser desarrolladas en una progresión que permita contar con un ecosistema necesario para la economía circular en la construcción.