Genotipos de virus papiloma humano (VPH) en pacientes con cáncer cérvico-uterino en un hospital público y una clínica privada de Santiago, Chile

We compared HPV genotypes among squamous cervical cancer samples from a public hospital (n = 55) and a private clinic (n = 35 cases) of Santiago. Paraffin-embedded specimens were analyzed by PCR followed by an immunoenzimatic assay. Reverse line blotting was used for the identification of 36 HPV genotypes. We found HPV DNA in 94.4% of all cancers. Single infections: HPV16: 40.0%, (clinic 37.1%, hospital 41.8%) VPH18:7.8% (clinic 2.9%, hospital 10.9%); single+multiple infections: VPH16: 61.1% (clinic 53.1%, hospital 71.7%), VPH18: 34.4% (clinic 21.9%, hospital 45.2%). HPV16 or HPV18 occurred in 75.6% of cases, higher in the hospital than the clinic (87.3%-95% CI: 84.9-96.3 - and 57.1%-95% CI: 46.6-66 - respectively, p = 0.002). Other genotypes in single infections: HPV 26, 31, 33, 45, 58, 67; in co-infections: HPV 35,52,56,59 and 66. HPV16 but specially HPV18 were significantly more frequent in the public hospital; 75.6% of squamous cervical cancer were associated to the vaccine preventable HPV16/18.
Cervical cancer, Genotypes, Human papillomavirus (HPV)