Supernova 2011je = Psn J04055376+1328129

Report the discovery of an apparent supernova in public images from the Mount Lemmon Survey: SN 2011 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset 2011je Nov. 27.39 4 05 53.76 +13 28 12.9 18.4 11".4 W, 2".4 S The variable was designated PSN J04055376+1328129 when it was posted at the Central Bureau's TOCP webpage and is here designated SN 2011je based on the spectroscopic confirmation reported below. Additional CCD magnitudes for 2011je (unfiltered unless noted otherwise): Nov. 28.340 UT, 17.8 (R. A. Koff, Bennett, CO, USA; Meade 0.25-m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector + Apogee AP-47p camera; limiting magnitude 20.0; position end figures 53s.77, 11".0; UCAC3 reference stars); 28.395, 18.7 (Joseph Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia; remotely using a 51-cm RCOS telescope + STL11K camera + luminance filter at the New Mexico Skies Observatory near Mayhill, NM, U.S.A.; position end figures 53s.85, 12".4); 28.477, R = 18.0 (P. Miller, P. Roche, A. Tripp, R. Miles, R. Holmes, S. Foglia, and L. Buzzi with the 2.0-m f/10 "Faulkes Telescope North" + Bessell R filter at Haleakala; seeing 1".2; position end figures 53s.83, 12".6; image posted at the following website URL:; Dec. 6.975, 17.3 (S. Foglia and G. Galli, Pogliano Milanese, Italy; 0.28-m f/6.8 Schmidt- Cassegrain reflector + ST8-XME camera; position end figures 53s.79, 12".6; UCAC-2 reference stars). Brimacombe's image is posted at website URL L. Tomasella, S. Benetti, A. Pastorello, S. Valenti, and F. Bufano, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, on behalf of a larger collaboration, report that a spectrogram of PSN J04055376+1328129 = SN 2011je, obtained on Dec. 18.93 UT with the Asiago 1.82-m Copernico Telescope (+ AFOSC; range 350-820 nm; resolution 2.4 nm), shows it to be a peculiar type-II supernova most similar to SN 1994aj at a phase of 43 days after maximum light (Benetti et al. 1998, MNRAS 294, 448). The spectrum is dominated by a broad H-alpha emission (FWHM about 13000 km/s) overimposed with a narrow (not resolved) feature with P-Cyg profile, from which an expantion velocity of < 1100 km/s is deduced (the redshift of the parent galaxy, 0.0174, has been derived from the peak of the narrow H-alpha emission)....