Supernova 2010iw near UGC 4570

Report the discovery by Howerton of an apparent supernova in public Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) images: SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset 2010iw Oct. 14.66 8 45 15.01 +27 49 21.8 16.4 12".9 W, 3".4 S Further magnitudes for 2010iw: June 11.16 UT, [19.0 (CSS); Oct. 17.50, 16.3 (Howerton, remotely with a 0.6-m LB-1 telescope, Rodeo, NM, U.S.A.). They note that the new object lies 5".4 east and 1".1 north from a galaxy seen in Sloan Digital Sky Survey images with measured redshift z = 0.109; the current luminosity of 2010iw appears too high for it to be a regular supernova associated with this distant galaxy. The host galaxy is thus is likely to be UGC 4570 (at redshift z = 0.0215)....