Formación inicial docente en profesores de matemática: una mirada desde la evaluación nacional diagnóstica
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El presente estudio entrega antecedentes sobre el rendimiento de 612 estudiantes de Pedagogía en Matemática pertenecientes a instituciones formadoras en Chile, que rindieron la Evaluación Nacional Diagnóstica 2017. Se focaliza la mirada en las fortalezas y aspectos a mejorar que presentan los estudiantes de Pedagogía en Matemática próximos a egresar, en torno a sus conocimientos disciplinares y pedagógicos; y en cómo éstos se encuentran relacionados con los años de acreditación de las carreras. A partir de los resultados, se proporciona evidencia empírica sobre el efecto de los años de acreditación en la formación inicial docente y también aporta información sobre habilidades que deben ser potenciadas en los itinerarios formativos.
This study provides background on the performance of 612 students of Pedagogy in Mathematics belonging to training institutions in Chile, who gave the 2017 National Diagnostic Evaluation. The focus is on the weaknesses and strengths of the students of Pedagogy in Mathematics next to graduate, around his disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge; and how they are related to the years of accreditation of careers. Based on the results, empirical evidence is provided on the effect of the years of accreditation in the initial teacher training and also provides information on skills that should be enhanced in the training itineraries.
This study provides background on the performance of 612 students of Pedagogy in Mathematics belonging to training institutions in Chile, who gave the 2017 National Diagnostic Evaluation. The focus is on the weaknesses and strengths of the students of Pedagogy in Mathematics next to graduate, around his disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge; and how they are related to the years of accreditation of careers. Based on the results, empirical evidence is provided on the effect of the years of accreditation in the initial teacher training and also provides information on skills that should be enhanced in the training itineraries.
Formación inicial docente, Pedagogía en matemática, Evaluación nacional diagnóstica, Conocimientos disciplinares y pedagógicos, Initial teacher training, Pedagogy in mathematics, National diagnostic assessment, Disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge