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    Teorías implícitas subyacentes a las preguntas formuladas en aulas de primera infancia
    (2023) Marques Rosa, María De La Luz; Molina Hernández, Fabiola Georgina; Angulo Carmona, Macarena Belén; PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE CHILE; Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de La Educación; Universidad de La Frontera
    Considerando la reconocida importancia de las preguntas como sistema de andamiaje, este estudio surge de la inquietud por conocer sus características, lo que subyace a ellas y determina su formulación. De corte cualitativo, la presente investigación indagó en el uso, funcionalidad y sentido que las educadoras de un jardín infantil en la región de Valparaíso-Chile atribuyen a las preguntas que realizan en aula a párvulos de dos a cuatro años de edad. Para recoger la información se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y observación no participante. La información se codificó y, a través de un análisis iterativo, se levantaron categorías conceptuales, sus propiedades y correspondientes dimensiones. Hallazgos no esperados muestran que a las preguntas formuladas por las educadoras subyacen teorías implícitas que difieren entre discurso y práctica. Esta inconsistencia, junto a creencias que determinan la práctica docente, se discuten en torno a su centralidad y repercusiones en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.
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    Construcción y validación de un instrumento de observación de clases de probabilidad
    (2020) Vásquez Ortiz, Claudia; Alsina i Pastells, Ángel; Pincheira Hauck, Nataly Goreti; Gea Serrano, María M.; Chandia Muñoz, Eugenio C.
    The process of construction and validation of a tool to observe students at lectures on probability in Primary Education is here presented. Firstly, the specific dimensions, components and levels in the construction process are described; secondly, the results of the content validity process are exposed through expert judgment and subsequent application; and finally, we reflect on the double functionality of the instrument: 1) to improve the knowledge of mathematics teachers when teaching probability; 2) to promote their professional development, with the purpose of designing intervention plans that contribute to the improvement of the teaching of probability.
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    Evaluation of teaching and mathematical knowledge in primary teachers for the teaching of probability
    (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2014) Vásquez Ortiz, Claudia; Alsina, Angel
    To provide information to transform teaching practice through improved primary school mathematics teacher training (6-12 years), a tool to assess the mathematical knowledge for teaching didactic probability has been designed. For its preparation the model of category analysis of the mathematical-didactic knowledge of the teacher was considered. This model includes four categories of fundamental knowledge: a) content knowledge, b) knowledge of the contents in relation to students, c) content knowledge in relation to education, and d) knowledge of curriculum and intra-and interdisciplinary connections. These categories can identify, classify, analyse and evaluate both the knowledge teachers need for teaching and the knowledge teachers actually implement when teaching a particular content, in this case the one related to the teaching of probability in elementary education. These skills have been being widely investigated in recent years in future teachers. Nevertheless, in Chile, there is very little data concerning current teachers. The analysis of the data will allow, first, to describe the strengths and weaknesses of the various categories of teacher knowledge involved in the teaching of probability, and secondly, relevant information to guide the initial and constant training of teachers in relation to the knowledge needed for the teaching of probability. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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    Caracterización epidemiológica de mordeduras en personas, según registro de atención de urgencia. Provincia de Los Andes, Chile
    (2017) Villagra, Vania; Cáceres, Dante; Alvarado, Sergio; Salinas, Elizabeth; Caldera, M. Loreto; Lucero, Erick; Viviani García, Paola; Torres Hidalgo, Marisa
    Background: Bites constitute a public health problem worldwide. Aim: To characterize epidemiologically bites by animals happened in the province of Los Andes (2005-2007). Method: Descriptive, retrospective epidemiological study. Studied variables: Bitten person (BP), accident by bite, biting animal and bite. It was not feasible to obtain more updated information by law of patient protection. Results: 2,360 BP were assisted in the emergency unit of San Juan de Dios Hospital and Rio Blanco clinic. An annual average rate of 729 BP/100,000 inhabitants and 1.99 daily average was recorded. The male gender was most affected (53.5%) and the age group from 6 to 10 years old. (Rate: .521/100,000). Most frequent topographic location was the lower limb, except in children under 5 year olds in whom predominated head and neck. The biting animal according to frequency was: the dog (67.1%) spider (7.1%) and cat (3.9%). The animal property was 35.6% known and 30.7% own. The most frequent problems were: nonspecific allergy; toxic effect by spider bites and among the infections, the disease made by cat’s scratch stands out. Regarding the record system, the biting animal complaint was applied to 47.6% of the BP and the 92.8% of the recorded information was incomplete. Conclusions: Bites reported higher rates in the province of Los Andes than the average of the country (729 versus 188/100,000), standing out the higher magnitude in 6 to 10 year-old-children. It is noticed that the record is low and incomplete. In this province, no bite control programs or updated studies have been carried out
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    Connecting statistics education and sustainability: beliefs of Primary Education teachers
    (SOC ESPANOLA INVESTIGACION & EDUCACION MATEMATICA-SEIM, 2023) Vásquez Ortiz, Claudia Alejandra; Seckel Santis, María José; Rojas Sateler, Francisco
    Currently, teachers are being challenged to integrate sustainability into school classrooms in various disciplines, and the statistics education is not immune to this trend. Against this backdrop, in this work we investigate the belief system of 11 Chilean primary education teachers who are active in statistics education and its links with sustainability. To this end, we conducted semi-structured interviews and analyzed them using a qualitative methodology under an interpretive approach. The results show that teach-ers acknowledge the integration of statistics education and sustainability as a challenge, identifying as the most recurring topics their mastery of content and the development of skills.