Effects on the flora and vegetation of the extreme precipitation event of August 2015 in Alto Patache, Atacama Desert, Chile

During the extreme precipitation event related with "El Nino", which occurred in August 2015 on the coast of the Tarapaca region, Atacama Desert, rainfall of 50 mm was recorded at the Alto Patache Fog Oasis (annual average of 1 mm), activating germination of many species present on the site. After the event, transects were demarcated and the presence and dominance of vegetation was recorded. The floristic data identified was compared with historical records and related with the distribution of fog, measured between the years 2001 and 2002. Results show 42 species identified, 78% of all known plants in the area, with one new record (Tiquilia sp.). The floristic analysis allowed the identification of three vegetation units, and a greater diversity of species was observed in lower areas of the coastal mountain chain.
Atacama Desert, Alto Patache, flora, vegetation, fog, HYPERARID CORE, CLIMATE-CHANGE, ENSO