Optical/Near-Infrared Light-Curve Properties of Pulsating Variables in the Cepheid Instability Strip

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Making the distinction between Type I and II Cepheids found in the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) ESO Public Survey is crucial for the studies of Galactic structure using these variables. As VVV provides only K_{S}-band light curves, this distinction has to be based on near-IR light-curve properties. Because of their reduced amplitudes in the near-IR, however, it is not immediately obvious whether such a distinction can be unambiguously made. To assess this problem, we have compared the VVV and VVV Templates K_{S}-band light-curve properties of 213 Type I and 215 Type II Cepheids using Fourier decomposition. The Fourier parameters of these types were found to be different enough for the purposes of classification. For example, over most of the Cepheid period range, there is an upper limit for the amplitudes of Type I Cepheids. As 50 percent of the Type II variables lie above this limit, half of the variables that could be confused with Type I Cepheids are sorted out by this simple feature alone, suggesting that the automatic classification schemes under development for the VVV Survey will be able to classify such variables with a high degree of accuracy. We have also found that bump Cepheids can be easily identified using VVV data, as the bump feature also appears in the near-IR light curves. Detailed modeling of the light curves of the bump Cepheids found in the VVV data will provide accurate stellar parameters for these stars....