Anestesia espinal parte IV. Técnica de la anestesia espinal y sus variaciones
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La anestesia espinal es una técnica ampliamente utilizada hoy en día. Para obtener resultados exitosos y evitar complicaciones, es fundamental una buena técnica a la hora de realizarla. Debe contarse con un buen conocimiento basal del método a utilizar y una preparación adecuada según el paciente, incluyendo en esto tanto los materiales como los fármacos de elección en cada caso. Es fundamental reducir los riesgos tanto locales como sistémicos del procedimiento, lo cual se logra con la preparación mencionada y una adecuada monitorización del paciente. Una vez listo esto, debe posicionarse al paciente de manera que quede sentado, en decúbito lateral o decúbito prono. El abordaje es elegido principalmente según los reparos anatómicos de cada caso particular y puede ser medio, paramediano o de Taylor. Se debe seleccionar una aguja adecuada, las cuales se dividen principalmente entre aquellas que cortan y aquellas que separan las fibras de la duramadre. En esta revisión se expone la técnica adecuada para realizar el procedimiento de anestesia espinal, junto con algunas de sus variaciones principales como lo son la anestesia sectorizada, la anestesia espinal continua y la anestesia combinada espinal epidural.
Spinal anesthesia is a very important and widely used technique nowadays. In order to obtain successful results and avoid complications, it is essential to perform it with the correct methods. The operator must be familiar with the procedure and prepare correctly for it, including material and drug selections which may vary according to the patient. Risk reduction is fundamental, and it is accomplished by carrying out the previously mentioned preparation and an adequate monitorization of the patient being intervened. Once this is in order, the patient must be positioned into being sited, or placed in supine or lateral position. The chosen approach depends mainly on the characteristics of anatomical repairs and may be medial, paramedian or a Taylor approach. The correct needle must be selected, and these are categorized mainly into those which cut or separate the dura's fibers. In this revision, the correct technique for performing spinal anesthesia is described, along with some of its most important variations such as sectorized anesthesia, continuous spinal anesthesia and combined epidural spinal anesthesia.
Spinal anesthesia is a very important and widely used technique nowadays. In order to obtain successful results and avoid complications, it is essential to perform it with the correct methods. The operator must be familiar with the procedure and prepare correctly for it, including material and drug selections which may vary according to the patient. Risk reduction is fundamental, and it is accomplished by carrying out the previously mentioned preparation and an adequate monitorization of the patient being intervened. Once this is in order, the patient must be positioned into being sited, or placed in supine or lateral position. The chosen approach depends mainly on the characteristics of anatomical repairs and may be medial, paramedian or a Taylor approach. The correct needle must be selected, and these are categorized mainly into those which cut or separate the dura's fibers. In this revision, the correct technique for performing spinal anesthesia is described, along with some of its most important variations such as sectorized anesthesia, continuous spinal anesthesia and combined epidural spinal anesthesia.
Anestesia, Anestesia regional, Anestesia espinal, Anestésico local, Anesthesia, Regional anesthesia, Spinal anesthesia, Local anesthesia