Utilidad de una encuesta para identificar donantes de sangre de zonas no endémicas, potencialmente infectados con Trypanosoma cruzi

Large numbers of immigrants from endemic areas for Chagas' disease resided in Maule Region and transmission can occur by blood transfusion.is important evaluated the usefulness of a questionnaire for identifying Trypanosoma cruzi infected blood donors in nonendemic area. In this work participate blood donors of 7 hospitals of the Region. During the 6-month period, 1.581 blood donors were asked and their samples were analysed for T. cruzi antibodies.The effectiveness of the questionnaire was evaluated by comparing donor's answers about their risk for Chagas' disease with the result of testing with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Positives samples were confirm by: indirect immunofluorescence, and polymerase chain reaction. Only one donor was positive to Chagas' disease. This donors reported no risk factors. Therefore blood donors seropositive for T. cruzi are presente in donors population of nonendemic area without the usual identifiable risk factors.
Trypanosoma cruzi, Chagas' disease