Quality of life in women with cervical cancer

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Background: Quality of life (QOL) in women with cervical cancer can be affected by different reasons, because those women face not only changes in the physical and sexual domains, but also in social and psychosocial. Aim: To describe the QOL of a group of women with cervical cancer (CC) and to relate its different dimensions to the treatment and stage of cancer. Method: Analytical study was conducted on a group of 127 women with CC. Results: The age of women negatively correlated with the physical dimension. The type of treatment correlated negatively the physical, role and social domain, and it correlated positively with the fatigue symptom. The FIGO stage does not correlate in the univariate analysis. The type of treatment, with or without age interaction, predicts the physical, role, emotional domain and some symptoms such as insomnia and diarrhea in the multivariate analysis. Conclusion: QOL assessments during the course of CC disease are useful to projecting health outcomes to medium and long term and it should be incorporated as a routinely and standardized evaluation in order to make appropriate interventions.