Acute Symptomatic Free-Floating Thrombus in the Innominate Artery, a Case Series

Background Innominate artery embolism may result in upper extremity ischemia or stroke. A free-floating thrombus originating from the IA is an unusual and dangerous disorder with embolic potential. Only isolated cases have been described showing different treatment modalities. Purpose To present 3 cases of free-floating thrombus in the IA treated at our institution with 3 different approaches. Cases The first case is a patient with a free-floating thrombus in the IA treated with cervical debranching and ligation of the proximal right carotid artery; another case of a patient treated with a hybrid approach with deployment of an iliac limb in the IA plus right carotid to subclavian bypass; and a third case of a patient operated by open arch thrombectomy. Conclusions Free-floating thrombus in the IA is a threatening condition feasible to be managed through different customized surgical approaches in specialized centers.
cerebrovascular, brachiocephalic trunk surgery, embolism, stroke, thrombectomy