Exploring magnetic fluctuation effects in QED gauge fields: Implications for mass generation

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In this work, we calculate the one-loop contribution to the polarization tensor for photons (and gluons) in the presence of a classical background magnetic field with white-noise stochastic fluctuations. The magnetic field fluctuations are incorporated into the fermion propagator in a quasiparticle picture, which we developed in previous works using the replica trick. By focusing on the strong-field limit, here we explicitly calculate the polarization tensor. Our results reveal that it does not satisfy the transversality conditions outlined by the Ward identity, thus breaking the U(1) symmetry. As a consequence, in the limit of vanishing photon four-momenta, the tensor coefficients indicate the emergence of an effective magnetic mass induced on photons (and gluons) by these stochastic fluctuations, leading to the interpretation of a dispersive medium with a noise-dependent index of refraction.