The Chilean instructional pattern for the teaching of language: A video-survey study based on a national program for the assessment of teaching

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I investigated the instructional pattern for the teaching of language at the elementary school level in Chile. The data were obtained from analyzing videos filmed for a teaching assessment system implemented by the Chilean Government. The system identified four levels of teacher competence. I treated these levels of competence as an independent factor. The dependents variables of interest were frequency of teacher questions and follow-ups in four categories, social organization of the lesson and time on task. Most of teachers studied are clearly aligned with an adult-run model of education. Evidence for adherence to this pedagogical approach can be found in (a) teacher questioning and teacher reactions to students' contributions, and (b) the place accorded to the teacher in the social organization of the lesson. The teaching pattern uncovered has its roots in the intuitive pedagogies endorsed by Chilean teachers, which in turn rest on Chilean cultural models of pedagogy.