Exploring Super-Chandrasekhar Supernova SN2007if with radiative transfer code TARDIS

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Super-Chandrasekhar Supernovae (SNe) are a peculiar case of Type Ia SNthat show very high luminosities, slow light-curve evolution, and low expan-sion velocities, consistent with progenitor masses over the Chandrasekharlimit (≳ 1.4M⊙). SN 2007if is one of those events, with a still unknownexplosion scenario. Its early spectra are smooth and near featureless, butat later epochs, they seem to morph into a normal Type Ia. I exploredits spectra with radiative transfer code TARDIS, using three models, con-sidering the envelope interaction and the violent merger hypotheses. Thebest model, based on the envelope interaction scenario, resulted in a verygood match for early epochs, and a better match in the later epochs than theother models. I performed abundance tomography and adapted its chemicalstructure, resulting in my model 07if-tail. While it had a good agree-ment with the observed low velocities and some lines, many still featuredtoo deep absorption profiles, and the lines suggested a lower temperaturethan the overall continuum. I found that SN2007if probably lacks S and hasno Fe on its outer regions. In order to explain SN2007if’s light curve andspectra, a secondary source of continuum brightness is needed. My findingssupport the scenario of a WD-WD slow merger, forming a CO envelope thatinteracts with the explosion’s ejecta.
Tesis (Master in Astrophysics)--Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2024