On the applicability of meta-analysis to evaluate airtightness performance of building components

The scientific literature lacks comprehensive and updated information regarding the airtightness of building components, this hindering the development and improvement of models for a robust prediction of their performance. To fill this gap, this paper presents a meta-analysis conducted on literature studies reporting laboratory and in-situ measurements of airtightness for various building components. Meta-analysis is a powerful methodological tool to compare and combine data from previous research, even when they have inherent differences. The results of the meta-analysis allowed to attain three outcomes: a classification of building components related to their airtightness performance; the update and improvement of existing databases of building component airtightness; and, the identification of factors specifically influencing airtightness performances of windows. In addition, the critical appraisal of the findings led to the definition of the requirements for future studies reporting measurements of airtightness of building components. This study offers a step ahead from existing knowledge by improving existing databases and by proposing a methodological framework of analysis that can be extended to several other domains of the built environment.
Building components, Meta-analysis, Airtightness, Air infiltration, Measurements
Martin Prignon, Sergio Altomonte, Felipe Ossio, Arnaud Dawans, Geoffrey Van Moeseke. On the applicability of meta-analysis to evaluate airtightness performance of building components. Building And Environment. 2021;194:1-15.