Oftalmoparesia dolorosa episódica asociada a rinosinusitis aguda recurrente: Un caso de síndrome de Tolosa Hunt

Tolosa Hunt Syndrome is the idiopathic inflammation of cavernous sinus, characterized by one or more episodes of unilateral orbital pain followed by ophtalmoparesis (III, IV o VI nerve palsy) and sometimes the affection of maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve. We describe the case of a 27 years old man with episodes of painful right ophtalmoparesis associated with acute rhinosinusitis. On high resolution MRI there was inflammation of the III, IV, V2 and VI right nerves with gadolinium enhancement. We propose the THS diagnosis exacerbated by rhinosinusitis and started on chronic steroid therapy.
Tolosa Hunt syndrome, acute rhinosinusitis, Síndrome de Tolosa Hunt, Rinosinusitis aguda, Otorhinolaryngology, Surgery