Ciclo Vitro: custom designed recycled glass tiles

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Kookmin University
This project arises from a personal motivation for design that is conscious about the impact that a product can have on the planet. Evidence shows that the development of industry and commerce have left consequences that have not only caused the landscape to deteriorate, but also the quality of human life. This has led people to adopt excessive consumption practices which, contrary to what they promise, do not bring happiness. Circular Economy has emerged as a relevant approach to economic growth. It is understood that resources are limited and have a high cost in terms of natural capital. Therefore, it is necessary to value these resources and obtain the maximum benefit from them before discarding them. In order to help doing this, Ecodesign has been used since its inception in the 1990s. Today it is already part of strategic and regulatory government plans in all developed nations. Using a methodological strategy that combined Ecodesign with Strategic Design and Ethnography, this project aimed at creating value by designing a product system that responded to a circular economy with a focus on people. The proposed product system is a service based on the recovery of postindustrial glass waste, which is then transformed, using artisan techniques, into wall tiles that are custom designed and made.
Circular economy, Ecodesign, Waste, Valorization, Personalization