Ciudad nocturna lúdica. Espacios y escenas de las prácticas nocturnas del skateboarding en Santiago.

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Univ. San Sebastián Fac. Arquitectura & Arte, Escuela Arquitectura Santiago
This article explores the urban night as an alternative ludic space and temporality generated by some urban sports. It consists of an inhabited space that is based on the opportunities offered by the daily urban pulse of the productive/congested daytime city, in contrast to a playful/unproductive/fluid night city. Skateboarding practices in Santiago are analyzed based on the temporalities of contemporary urban sports in public space with the aim of understanding how the night offers a propitious scenario for theemergence of an alternative public space. The public space is presented with an unsuspected capacity for flexibility, although not without transgressions. The work methodology is based on the consultation of records and primary sources that compile storiesand images of this practice, using a specialized skateboarding magazine as source
Public space, Skateboarding, Urban sport, Night spaces, Espacio público, Deporte urbano, Espacios nocturnos