Sequential Phase-Shifted Model Predictive Control for a Multilevel Converter with Integrated Battery Energy Storage

Cascaded converters have risen as a suitable solution for the connection of Utility-scale Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) to the grid. These converters allow to split the battery array into the power modules, reducing the total series-connected battery cells and improving the reliability of the system. Different types of modules have been proposed to integrate the batteries in the converter. The three-port full-bridge module connects the batteries through a second deport decoupled from the harmful low-frequency oscillations and current peaks. However, the multi-variable controller required to manage the power interaction between the battery and the grid presents a challenge in terms of computational burden and scalability. This work proposes the use of the Sequential Phase-Shifted Model Predictive Control (PS-MPC) in a multilevel BESS implementation using three-port full-bridge modules. The proposed controller outperforms a standard FCS-MPC, as it obtains the optimal duty cycles for the operation of the converter with the same fast dynamic response, but also with the fixed spectrum of the PS-PWM and low computational burden, which facilitates its scalability to multilevel BESS with a large number of cells. Simulation results show the ability of the system to exchange different amounts of power with the grid, ensuring the best battery operational conditions.
Batteries, Topology, Mathematical model, Steady-state, Inductors, Capacitors, Switches