La Protección de Humedales en la Costa de Chile
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La pérdida de humedales costeros se ha acelerado desde el siglo XX en el mundo y en Chile. La costa, altamente vulnerable al cambio climático, es una zona de gran productividad, afectada por procesos de antropización, como la urbanización litoral y la turistificación, en la cual los humedales están experimentando rápidas dinámicas de cambio, con impactos negativos para la protección frente a marejadas y tsunamis, los servicios ecosistémicos y las rutas migratorias de las aves.Nuevas regulaciones e iniciativas de protección han sido aprobadas en Chile recientemente, como la Ley de humedales urbanos, el Plan Nacional de Protección de Humedales y el Derecho Real de Conservación para proteger, conservar y recuperar humedales, sumándose a instrumentos más antiguos como, por ejemplo, los Santuarios de la Naturaleza de la Ley sobre Monumentos Nacionales. El objetivo de este capítulo es hacer una revisión y reflexión sobre los recientes avances en la protección de humedales costeros en Chile, a través de los diversos instrumentos ambientales vigentes. A partir de una revisión de la situación de conservación de los humedales costeros chilenos, y de las leyes y regulaciones ambientales nacionales, se demuestra que las superficies de humedales costeros protegidos son todavía reducidas, pero que ha habido un avance considerable estos últimos años bajo el impulso de instrumentos de protección de los humedales en general, aunque no exista actualmente un instrumento específico para los humedales costeros. No obstante, a pesar de los avances, el país tiene todavía una serie de desafíos importantes para lograr una protección efectivay coordinada de los humedales costeros en materia de conservación, de planificación territorial, de evaluación ambiental, de participación ciudadana, de fiscalización y de cambio climático.
In Chile and in the world, the loss of coastal wetlands has accelerated since the beginning of the 20th century. The coast, highly vulnerable to climate change, is an area of great productivity, affected by anthropization processes, such as coastal urbanization and tourism, in which wetlands are experiencing rapid dynamics of change that have negatively impacted measures to protect ecosystem services, migratory bird flyways, and mitigate the effects of storm surges and tsunamis. Chile has recently passed new regulations and protection initiatives, such as the Urban Wetlands Law, the National Plan for Protecting Wetlands, and the Real Conservation Rights Act to protect, conserve, and recover wetlands.These initiatives have complemented older instruments, such as the Natural Sanctuaries measure, regulated by the National Monuments Law. The objective of this chapter is to review and reflect on recent developments in the protection of coastal wetlands in Chile through the various environmental instruments in force. Based on a review of the situation of Chilean coastal wetlandsand national environmental laws and regulations, the paper demonstrates that protected coastal wetlands still constitute a limited geographical area, although general wetland protection instruments have driven considerable progress in recent years, even without any specific instrument for protecting coastal wetlands. Despite its progress, the country still faces a series of important challenges in order to achieve an effective and coordinated protection of coastal wetlands in termsof conservation, territorial planning, environmental assessment, citizen participation, control, and climate change.
In Chile and in the world, the loss of coastal wetlands has accelerated since the beginning of the 20th century. The coast, highly vulnerable to climate change, is an area of great productivity, affected by anthropization processes, such as coastal urbanization and tourism, in which wetlands are experiencing rapid dynamics of change that have negatively impacted measures to protect ecosystem services, migratory bird flyways, and mitigate the effects of storm surges and tsunamis. Chile has recently passed new regulations and protection initiatives, such as the Urban Wetlands Law, the National Plan for Protecting Wetlands, and the Real Conservation Rights Act to protect, conserve, and recover wetlands.These initiatives have complemented older instruments, such as the Natural Sanctuaries measure, regulated by the National Monuments Law. The objective of this chapter is to review and reflect on recent developments in the protection of coastal wetlands in Chile through the various environmental instruments in force. Based on a review of the situation of Chilean coastal wetlandsand national environmental laws and regulations, the paper demonstrates that protected coastal wetlands still constitute a limited geographical area, although general wetland protection instruments have driven considerable progress in recent years, even without any specific instrument for protecting coastal wetlands. Despite its progress, the country still faces a series of important challenges in order to achieve an effective and coordinated protection of coastal wetlands in termsof conservation, territorial planning, environmental assessment, citizen participation, control, and climate change.
Humedales costeros, Leyes, Costa, Cambio climático, Desafíos