The portfolio in the national teacher evaluation system in chile: Collecting evidence of validity as part of the instrument construction process

This chapter discusses how the collection of validity evidence is integral to the development process of the portfolio used in Chile's National Teacher Evaluation System (NTES). Following the validity framework of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, and NCME, 2014), the chapter begins by clarifying the use of the portfolio in the context of this national evaluation system. It explains how different phases of the portfolio construction process lend themselves to the collection of various types of evidence considered in the Standards, and how these inquiries are part of a logic of continuous improvement of this instrument. The relationship between instrument development and evidence collection is approached from the conceptual framework of Construct Modeling (Wilson, 2005). We discuss how various stages of the instrument development process considered in this framework can contribute to the collection of evidence of content, response process, and internal structure that will inform the construction of a validity argument (Kane, 1992). We describe how during each stage of portfolio development and review data are collected from multiple sources to improve the quality of the instrument and to document the evidence needed to support a validity argument regarding its use. The chapter concludes by emphasizing the value of understanding the validation process as a simultaneous aspect of developing an assessment instrument, not just for documenting in retrospect the evidence supporting the intended uses, but also to examine the quality of the instrument in a framework of continuous improvement.