Microstructure affects the rate of chemical, physical and color changes during storage of dried apple discs
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Blanching, freezing and drying induce major changes in the physical properties of processed foods. Microstructural changes induced by these processes in apple discs were related to the degree and kinetics of browning and to fracture mechanics after drying and later storage at 70 degrees C under a wide range of relative humidity (RH). Blanched and unblanched apple discs were dehydrated by vacuum drying or freeze-drying to induce the formation of different structures, then equilibrated from 33% to 75% RH and stored at 70 degrees C in order to promote browning. Color changes on the surface of apple discs were analyzed non-invasively by image analysis using a computerized vision system. Pre-treatments and drying conditions modified the structural characteristics of apple discs, which in turn, changed sorption properties, texture hardness and browning development. Microstructural changes (e.g., loss of cellular integrity) promoted higher browning rates, the rate and degree of browning was analyzed. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
apple, microstructure, browning, kinetics, hardness, freeze-drying, vacuum drying, color, IMAGE-ANALYSIS, SLICES, QUALITY, TEXTURE, SOLIDS