The Right to Live in Peace: Musical Responses to Violence in the 2019 Chilean Uprising

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Two protest songs created within the first month of the 2019 Chilean uprising were intended as explicit statements against violence and in favor of peace, but they voiced different understandings of violence and proposed different ways out of the conflict. The artists behind each song argued that their recordings were nonpartisan, cutting across traditional left-right divides. The songs' use and reception, however, shows that for Chilean audiences these songs conveyed a clear political cleavage through their lyrics, music, and audiovisual content. More broadly, consideration of music in the Chilean uprising foregrounds the ways in which the uses of music have changed since the classic era of protest song of the 1960s and 1970s. Dos canciones de protesta creadas en el primer mes del levantamiento chileno de 2019 pretendian ser declaraciones explicitas contra la violencia y a favor de la paz, pero expresaban distintas interpretaciones de la violencia y propusieron diferentes formas de salir del conflicto. Los artistas detras de cada cancion argumentaron que sus grabaciones no eran partidistas, cortando asi a traves de las tradicionales divisiones de izquierda y derecha. El uso y recepcion de las canciones, sin embargo, muestra que, para el publico chileno, dichas piezas transmitian una clara division politica a traves de sus letras, musica y contenido audiovisual. En terminos mas generales, considerar el aspecto musical en el levantamiento chileno pone en relieve las formas en que los usos de la musica han cambiado desde la era clasica de la cancion de protesta de las decadas del sesenta y setenta.
Chile, Social protest, Violence, Protest song