DURACON: Effect of the Environment on Reinforced Concrete Durability. Results of Chile after 5 years of Exposure

This study presents the results obtained in Chile under the international project "Influence of Environmental Action in the durability of concrete, DURACON" that joins 11 countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Spain, Uruguay, Portugal and Venezuela) that began in 2002. The project considers the exposure of reinforced concrete specimens for at least 5 years at stations located in the marine environment (Valparaiso-PUCV) and urban (PUC-Santiago). The concrete specimens were designed with w/c 0.45 and 0.65 and characterized by determining the compressive strength and tensile strength, elastic modulus, resistivity, capillary absorption, absorption and total porosity. The corrosion of steel was evaluated by corrosion potential and corrosion current and depth of carbonation in the concrete to determine the critical onset corrosion.
The steels in Marine Station are still in passive state, while in urban area showed activity one steel in specimen with w/c 0.45, with 15 mm concrete coating, as well as in one of the steels with w/c 0.65. The results showed that in the marine station the reinforced steel in both concretes were in passive state, while in the urban station, one of the steels have activity for w/c ratio 0.45, covering 15 mm, and indications of activity in specimens of w/c ratio 0.65 associated to the high pollution of the industrial atmosphere where the station is located (similar to the atmosphere of the city) and to the highest values of capillary absorption that showed concretes of both w/c ratios, compared to the situation of the other countries.
reinforced concrete, atmospheric corrosion, durability, chloride, carbonation