Variación diastrática de la entonación femenina en el español colombiano de Medellín
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Este trabajo es un estudio exploratorio pionero de la variación diastrática de la prosodia femenina de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. Se estudia una muestra de 324 frases de habla estructurada, procedentes de 6 hablantes femeninos pertenecientes a dos estratos socioculturales diferentes de la zona urbana de Medellín. El corpus se analiza fonéticamente tomando los valores de las variaciones en hercios (Hz) y semitonos (st), y fonológicamente se emplea el sistema de transcripción Sp_ToBI en el marco teórico-metodológico del Modelo Métrico Autosegmental (AM). El análisis cualitativo del corpus y los resultados de los test de Wilcoxon realizados sugieren que el acento nuclear y el tono de frontera, además de las variables de promedio, rango tonal y valores máximos, permiten diferenciar en la muestra los dos estratos socioculturales estudiados. Las variables de valores mínimos, velocidad y pendiente no mostraron ser significativas para la diferenciación de la muestra.
This article is a pioneer approach to social variation in female prosody in Medellin, Colombia. A corpus of 324 structured speech phrases is studied, obtained from 6 female speakers of two different sociocultural strata, from the urban area of Medellin. The corpus has been phonetically analyzed using the values of the variations in hertz and semitones, and phonologically analyzed using the Sp_ToBI transcription system, in the theoretical-methodological framework of the Autosegmental Metric Model (AM). The qualitative analysis of the corpus and the results of the Wilcoxon test suggest that the nuclear accent and border tone, along with variables such as average, pitch range and maximum values, make possible to distinguish two sociocultural strata. Variables of minimum values, speaking rate and gradient are not significant to differentiate the sample.
This article is a pioneer approach to social variation in female prosody in Medellin, Colombia. A corpus of 324 structured speech phrases is studied, obtained from 6 female speakers of two different sociocultural strata, from the urban area of Medellin. The corpus has been phonetically analyzed using the values of the variations in hertz and semitones, and phonologically analyzed using the Sp_ToBI transcription system, in the theoretical-methodological framework of the Autosegmental Metric Model (AM). The qualitative analysis of the corpus and the results of the Wilcoxon test suggest that the nuclear accent and border tone, along with variables such as average, pitch range and maximum values, make possible to distinguish two sociocultural strata. Variables of minimum values, speaking rate and gradient are not significant to differentiate the sample.
Español de Medellín, Prosodia, Entonación, Variación diastrática, Variación socioentonativa, Spanish of Medellin, Prosody, Intonation, Diastratic variation, Socioentonative variation