Urban vitality and neighborhood sociability: complexities of a latin american metropolisVitalidad urbana y sociabilidad barrial: complejidades de una metrópolis latinoamericana

© 2022, Ministerio de Fomento. All rights reserved.Some authors argue that urban vitality encourages sociability among inhabitants. However, this literature concentrates its analysis on the attributes of the built environment, such as density or the diversity of land uses, without considering effective practices or the influence of sociodemograph-ic factors on neighborhood sociability. This article seeks to deepen this relationship, analyzing indicators identified by the literature as necessary conditions for urban vitality, contrasting them with neighborhood sociability variables such as neighborhood use, public familiarity, network neighborli-ness and sociability among neighbors, and with sociodemographic indicators for the Metropolitan Area of Santiago, Chile. In addition to finding an important influence of sociodemographic factors, a more complex relationship between urban vitality and neighborhood sociability is identified, revealing the need to rethink the concept for the reality of Latin American metropolises.
Latin America, Metropolis, Neighborhood sociability, Urban density, Urban vitality