Promoción de la práctica discursiva en el profesorado de química en formación
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La presente investigación enmarcada en un estudio decasos colectivo, analizó 26 planificaciones de clasescon foco en discusión productiva, práctica que fomentalas oportunidades de aprendizaje bajo la dinámica deinteracción en el aula, elaboradas por 14 docentes dequímica en formación que cursaron simultáneamentedidáctica y práctica profesional el segundo semestredel 2021 en distintos centros educativos de la RegiónMetropolitana (Chile). El objetivo fue caracterizarpor medio de la dimensión didáctica de los planosde desarrollo del pensamiento científico (PPC), lacarga teórica de las preguntas/enunciados en lapromoción de la discusión productiva, además deidentificar el enfoque/estrategia desarrollado: historiade la química (HdQ), naturaleza de las ciencias (NOS),problemáticas socio- científicas (CTS-A), o contextocotidiano. En 3 de las 26 planificaciones que seidentificó HdQ, CTS-A y/o NOS, se utilizó el softwareatlas ti para analizar la narrativa de la clase completa,donde los resultados de co-ocurrencia mostraron larelación entre discusión con socialización, habilidadesde pensamiento científico (explicación) y los PPC:instrumental, personal y social, proporcionandoevidencia empírica de cómo esta dimensión didácticapermitiría orientar tanto la implementación de ladiscusión productiva, como las instancias de reflexiónen los talleres de práctica profesional.
The present research, framed in a collective casestudy, analyzed 26 lesson plans focused on productivediscussion, a practice that promotes learningopportunities under the dynamics of interaction inthe classroom, elaborated by 14 chemistry teachersin training who simultaneously studied didactics andprofessional practice in the second semester of 2021in different educational centers of the MetropolitanRegion (Chile). The objective was to characterize bymeans of the didactic dimension of the developmentplans of scientific thinking (PPC), the theoretical loadof the questions/statements in the promotion ofproductive discussion, in addition to identifying theapproach/strategy developed: history of chemistry(HdQ), nature of science (NOS), socio-scientificproblems (CTS-A), or daily context. In 3 of the 26plans that identified HdQ, CTS-A and/or NOS, atlasti software was used to analyze the narrative ofthe entire class, where the results of co-occurrenceshowed the relationship between discussion withsocialization, scientific thinking skills (explanation)and instrumental, personal and social PPCs, providingempirical evidence of how this didactic dimensionwould allow guiding both the implementation ofproductive discussion and the instances of reflectionin the professional practice workshops.
The present research, framed in a collective casestudy, analyzed 26 lesson plans focused on productivediscussion, a practice that promotes learningopportunities under the dynamics of interaction inthe classroom, elaborated by 14 chemistry teachersin training who simultaneously studied didactics andprofessional practice in the second semester of 2021in different educational centers of the MetropolitanRegion (Chile). The objective was to characterize bymeans of the didactic dimension of the developmentplans of scientific thinking (PPC), the theoretical loadof the questions/statements in the promotion ofproductive discussion, in addition to identifying theapproach/strategy developed: history of chemistry(HdQ), nature of science (NOS), socio-scientificproblems (CTS-A), or daily context. In 3 of the 26plans that identified HdQ, CTS-A and/or NOS, atlasti software was used to analyze the narrative ofthe entire class, where the results of co-occurrenceshowed the relationship between discussion withsocialization, scientific thinking skills (explanation)and instrumental, personal and social PPCs, providingempirical evidence of how this didactic dimensionwould allow guiding both the implementation ofproductive discussion and the instances of reflectionin the professional practice workshops.
Formación inicial docente, Educación científica, Discusión productiva, Didáctica de la Química, Pre-service teacher education, Scientific Education, Productive discussion, Didactic of chemistry