La regionalización en un contexto de urbanización regional: desde los desafíos a las propuestas de nuevos criterios dezonificación para el caso chileno
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Las dinámicas de transformación a escala regional de las ciudades en Latinoamérica en las últimas décadas, representa un desafío importante para la regionalización, conforme el espacio de flujos y dinámicas de intercambio de bienes y servicios, la generación de procesos migratorios rural-urbano y de población flotante entre núcleos urbanos de diferente tamaño compromete de manera determinante las condiciones de desarrollo del territorio no sólo urbano, sino territorial y ambiental. Sobre qué criterios debe sostenerse o modificarse la regionalización, resulta ser un punto de partida importante para emprender transformaciones en materia de gobernabilidad, planificación y gestión para que las regiones tengan real protagonismo en el desarrollo nacional y local. En la siguiente propuesta se pretende establecer un ejercicio teórico con un enfoque espacialmente multivariable, que permita ensamblar nuevos criterios para los procesos de regionalización que se avecinan, en un contexto marcadamente neoliberal. En conclusión, los indicadores que resultan del presente ejercicio, permiten avanzar en una región más competitiva, cohesionada socialmente y ambientalmente sustentable.
The dynamics of regional transformation of cities in Latin America in the last decades represents an important challenge for regionalization, according to the space of flows and dynamics of exchange of goods and services, the generation of rural-urban and population migratory processes Floating between urban nuclei of diff erent size decisively compromises the development conditions of the territory not only urban, but territorial and environmental. On what criteria regionalization should be sustained or modified, it is an important starting point for undertaking transformations in governance, planning and management so that the regions have a real role in national and local development. In the following proposal it is intended to establish a theoretical exercise with a spatially multivariate approach, which allows to join new criteria for the regionalization processes that are coming in a marked neoliberal context. In conclusion, the indicators that result from this exercise allow us to advance in a competitive, socially cohesive and environmentally sustainable region.
The dynamics of regional transformation of cities in Latin America in the last decades represents an important challenge for regionalization, according to the space of flows and dynamics of exchange of goods and services, the generation of rural-urban and population migratory processes Floating between urban nuclei of diff erent size decisively compromises the development conditions of the territory not only urban, but territorial and environmental. On what criteria regionalization should be sustained or modified, it is an important starting point for undertaking transformations in governance, planning and management so that the regions have a real role in national and local development. In the following proposal it is intended to establish a theoretical exercise with a spatially multivariate approach, which allows to join new criteria for the regionalization processes that are coming in a marked neoliberal context. In conclusion, the indicators that result from this exercise allow us to advance in a competitive, socially cohesive and environmentally sustainable region.
Regionalización, Regiones urbanas, Gobernabilidad regional, Urbanización regional, Regionalization, Urban regions, Zoning criteria