Propuesta de un Modelo de Competencia Matemática como articulador entre el currículo, la formación de profesores y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes

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This essay aims to present research results on two key aspects of mathematical competencies: a conceptualization process of competencies and a proposed Mathematical Competence Model (mcm) to articulate the curriculum organization, teaching and the mathematics students learning activity. In this process research problems are presented that contribute to strengthen mathematical competencies as a research line and show the convergence of the research activity of the Mathematical Competencies in Chile (commat) group and of the Integrated Institutional Development of Colombia (dii). The Mathematical Competence Model (mcm) and Theoretical Model to the Priori (mtp), a derivative thereof, constitute the core of this proposal because they contribute to: a) transform the curricular organization of school mathematics by taking the mathematical processes as the curricular axis; b) reorient the students mathematics learning activity articulating the cognitive, affective and action tendency aspects of competencies; c) reorient teacher's practices by explaining the process of how mathematical competencies are mobilized and progress.