On the teaching of university writing in Latin America

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During the last 20 years, the teaching of writing has grown worldwide as a dynamic field of international academic practice and research, as attest ed to by the emergence of disciplinary societies, conferences, and publications (Ávila Reyes Multilingual Contributions; Bazerman et al. Conocer La Escritura; Thaiss et al.). In the spirit of building an integrative vision of the contribu tions of teaching and research in writing in Latin America, this article offers an overview of what “writing studies” mean in the region. This account is informed by previous research data of disciplinary devel opment, but it is still inevitably partial. Latin America is a complex territory, diverse in its languages and intellectual and cultural heritage. Educational needs and opportunities, as well as socioeconomic contexts, also vary across the continent. Our positionality as scholars trained in linguistics and education and working at research universities in Chile determines a certain limitation in our perspective that may leave out valuable programs and traditions of which we still know little.