Browsing by Author "Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián"
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- ItemComposición útil en la preservación de alimentosFuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Franco Melazzini, Wendy; Zoffoli, Juan Pablo; Vázquez Luna, Alma; Rivadeneyra Dominguez, Eduardo; Díaz-Sobac, Rafael; Caudillo Contreras, Diana Iveth
- ItemDesarrollo de genotipos tolerantes a herbicidas mediante mutagenesis en Chenopodium quinoa Willd(2023) Espinoza Salinas, Valery; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería ForestalEl cultivo de quínoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) se ha vuelto importante a nivel mundial, ampliar la superficie y reducir las pérdidas de rendimiento está condicionado por diferentes factores, uno de ellos el control de malezas y su limitación por la falta de herbicidas selectivos para el cultivo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar genotipos de quínoa tolerantes a herbicidas post-emergentes y su control en malezas de hoja ancha a través de mutagénesis mediante metasulfonato de etilo (EMS). Se utilizaron tres genotipos de C. quinoa (QLUC-02, QLUC-RCH y QLUC-NCH), siete diferentes tipos de herbicidas y EMS a diferentes concentraciones para promover e identificar mutantes tolerantes. En una primera fase se evaluó y validó la concentración ideal de EMS, seleccionando un 2,5% y el genotipo QLUCNCH para una dosis letal media, y en la segunda, se evaluó la fitotoxicidad de los herbicidas y se validó la tolerancia. Se obtuvieron los siguientes porcentajes de tolerancia: tratamientos inhibidores del fotosistema II (Basagran, Betanal expert (C) y Venzar (C)) con 1,4; 10,8 y 0,25% de sobrevivencia, respectivamente; el herbicida de las sulfonilureas con 5,5; 9,2 y 17,8% para Safari (A), Safari (B) y Safari (C); el tratamiento con Flex (inhibidor de la enzima PPO) con 0,98%; mientras que tratamientos con Escolta y Bectra tuvieron total letalidad de plantas. Esto reveló que la sobrevivencia de las plantas se puede deber a una tolerancia causada por mutaciones.
- ItemDesarrollo de un queso análogo bajo en grasa y alto en proteína mediante el uso de suero de leche de vaca y bebida vegetal de quínoa chilota(2021) Doblado Fino, José Daniel; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería ForestalLas actuales tendencias alimentarias consideran de manera importante el desarrollo de nuevos productos alimenticios que posean altos estándares de calidad e inocuidad, otorgando especial preferencia a aquellos productos que sean innovadores, de alto valor nutricional y que sean amigables con el ambiente. Un queso análogo es la combinación de ingredientes lácteos con ingredientes de origen vegetal para reemplazar en diferentes proporciones los componentes de la leche. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo desarrollar y validar un queso análogo bajo en grasa y alto en proteína a base de lactosuero y bebida vegetal de quínoa chilota para ser transferido a pequeños productores de Chiloé. Se evaluaron dos formulaciones de queso análogo a base de bebida de quínoa (10% y 20%), a las cuales se les denominó LS10B y LS20B sucesivamente; y se compararon con un control con bebida de quínoa (0%) a la que se denominó LS0B, utilizando un diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar. En un primer experimento se determinó el contenido de proteína y grasa y en el segundo experimento las variables de acidez, actividad de agua y actividad microbiológica, adicionalmente se realizó una prueba exploratoria de aceptación y preferencia con la mejor formulación y el control. Como resultado se respondió a la hipótesis de manera positiva, desarrollando un nuevo producto que no existe en el mercado y que posee atributos nutricionales destacados, tales como bajo contenido de grasas y alto contenido de proteína. La bebida vegetal de quínoa influyó positivamente en el contenido de proteína a medida que se aumentó su contenido en la formulación del queso análogo (LS20B). A pesar de que el queso análogo en base a quínoa presentó diferencias significativas (p<0,05) inferiores en atributos sensoriales respecto al control, ambos fueron clasificados como aceptables, lo que lo convierte en un producto con un alto potencial de desarrollo tecnológico.
- ItemDormancy and cardinal temperatures for germination in seed from nine quinoa genotypes cultivated in Chile(2020) Ayala Zapata, Marlene; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Contreras E., Samuel
- ItemEffect of salinity stress on yield and quality parameters in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)(2020) Dubey, S.; Bhargava, A.; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Shukla, S.; Srivastava, S.
- ItemGenetic Association between Foliage Yield and Contributing Traits in Vegetable Chenopods : Implications for Genetic Improvement(2019) Bhargava, Atul; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Shukla, Sudhir; Srivastava, Shilpi; Ohri, Deepak
- ItemGenetic variability in vegetable Chenopodium for morphological and quality traits over different cuttings(2019) Bhargava, A.; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Shukla,Sudhir; Srivastava, Shilpi; Dubey, Saijasi; Ohri, DeepakThe present study was performed to assess the genetic parameters for different quantitative and qualitative traits of 13 germplasm lines of Chenopodium spp. The lines were sown in a randomized block design with a plot size of 2 m2, and data were recorded for foliage yield and 8 component traits over 4 successive cuttings. The foliage yield/plot was variable, ranging from 1.07-2.66 t ha-1 with an average yield of 2.00±0.15. The protein and carotenoid contents averaged 3.70±0.09% and 13.47±0.56 mg 100 g-1, respectively. The range and mean of individual cuttings for plant height, leaf size, protein and foliage yield increased with successive cuttings until the IIIrd cutting, and the yield declined thereafter. High heritability estimates for all the traits under study were obtained for individual cuttings as well as on a pooled basis. High heritability coupled with high genetic gain was observed for foliage yield, carotenoid content and protein content, indicating the presence of additive gene effects.
- ItemGenetic variability in vegetable Chenopodium for morphological and quality traits over different cuttings(Wiley, 2019) Bhargava, A.; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Shukla,Sudhir; Srivastava, Shilpi; Dubey, Saijasi; Ohri, DeepakThe present study was performed to assess the genetic parameters for different quantitative and qualitative traits of 13 germplasm lines of Chenopodium spp. The lines were sown in a randomized block design with a plot size of 2 m2, and data were recorded for foliage yield and 8 component traits over 4 successive cuttings. The foliage yield/plot was variable, ranging from 1.07-2.66 t ha-1 with an average yield of 2.00±0.15. The protein and carotenoid contents averaged 3.70±0.09% and 13.47±0.56 mg 100 g-1, respectively. The range and mean of individual cuttings for plant height, leaf size, protein and foliage yield increased with successive cuttings until the IIIrd cutting, and the yield declined thereafter. High heritability estimates for all the traits under study were obtained for individual cuttings as well as on a pooled basis. High heritability coupled with high genetic gain was observed for foliage yield, carotenoid content and protein content, indicating the presence of additive gene effects.
- ItemGrowth Analysis of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in Response to Fertilization and Soil Tillage(2019) Kakabouki, I.P.; Roussis, I.E.; Papastylianou, P.; Kanatas, P.; Hela, D.; Katsenios, N.; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián
- ItemInduction of NRF2-mediated gene expression by dietary phytochemical flavones apigenin and luteolin(2015) Paredes, X.; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Jeffery, S.; Saw, C.; Shu, L.; Su, Z.; Kong, A.
- ItemMorphological traits defining breeding criteria for coastal quinoa in Chile(2018) Madrid, Daniela; Salgado, Eduardo; Verdugo, Gabriela; Olguin, Pablo; Bilalis, Dimitrios; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián
- ItemNrf2-mediated antioxidant and detoxifying enzyme induction by a combination of curcumin and sulforaphane(2016) Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián
- ItemNutrimental Content and Functional Properties of Quinoa Flour from Chile and Mexico(2019) Vazquez-Luna, A.; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Rivadeneyra, E.; Hernandez, C.; Diaz-Sobac, R.
- ItemOrganic Agriculture and Innovative Crops under Mediterranean Conditions(2017) Bilalis, D.; Roussis, I.; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Kakabouki, I.; Travlos, I.
- ItemPhenological growth stages of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) based on the BBCH scale(2017) Sosa Zuñiga, V.; Brito, V.; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Steinfort Needham, Ursula Carla
- ItemQuinoa Abiotic Stress Responses : A Review(2018) Hinojosa, L.; González, J. A.; Barrios Masías, F. H.; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Murphy, K. M.
- ItemQuinoa Breeding and Genomics(Wiley, 2019) Murphy, Kevin M.; Matanguihan, Janet B.; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Rayda Gomez Pando, Luz; Jellen, Eric N.; Maughan, Peter J.; Jarvis, David E.The production and consumption of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) have grown rapidly in recent years, spreading far beyond its traditional growing region of the Andes Mountains in South America. The increase in consumption is due primarily to its high nutritional value and flavorful seed, whereas the expansion in production area is due to the broad adaptability of the species across a wide range of latitudes, altitudes, precipitation zones, soil types, and salinity levels. Efforts are underway across the globe to develop regionally resilient quinoa cultivars and productive cropping systems. The recent publication of the quinoa genome has opened avenues of research previously unavailable in quinoa breeding and should contribute substantially to the development of improved cultivars. This chapter reviews the evolution of quinoa and its wild relatives, the traditional ecotypes from which the majority of modern cultivars descend, and the history of quinoa breeding in South America. It discusses quinoa's reproductive and pollination systems, as well as recent advances in the genetics and genomics of this allotetraploid species. Following an overview of quinoa breeding methods, it focuses on breeding objectives, including yield potential, traits of agronomic importance, tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses, and characteristics of critical importance to end-use quality and nutritional value.
- ItemQuinoa Breeding and Genomics(Wiley, 2019) Murphy, Kevin M.; Matanguihan, Janet B.; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Rayda Gomez Pando, Luz; Jellen, Eric N.; Maughan, Peter J.; Jarvis, David E.The production and consumption of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) have grown rapidly in recent years, spreading far beyond its traditional growing region of the Andes Mountains in South America. The increase in consumption is due primarily to its high nutritional value and flavorful seed, whereas the expansion in production area is due to the broad adaptability of the species across a wide range of latitudes, altitudes, precipitation zones, soil types, and salinity levels. Efforts are underway across the globe to develop regionally resilient quinoa cultivars and productive cropping systems. The recent publication of the quinoa genome has opened avenues of research previously unavailable in quinoa breeding and should contribute substantially to the development of improved cultivars. This chapter reviews the evolution of quinoa and its wild relatives, the traditional ecotypes from which the majority of modern cultivars descend, and the history of quinoa breeding in South America. It discusses quinoa's reproductive and pollination systems, as well as recent advances in the genetics and genomics of this allotetraploid species. Following an overview of quinoa breeding methods, it focuses on breeding objectives, including yield potential, traits of agronomic importance, tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses, and characteristics of critical importance to end-use quality and nutritional value.
- ItemQuinoa leaf as a nutritional alternative(2019) Vázquez Luna, A.; Cortés, V. P.; Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián; Díaz Sobac, R.
- ItemTargeting obesity-related inflammation in skin cancer : molecular and epigenetic insights for cancer chemoprevention by dietary phytochemicals(2016) Fuentes Carmona, Francisco Fabián