Co-Creating Visual Dialogs for Crises and Emergencies: Climate Scenarios as Opportunities

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Today we live with the impacts of natural events causing complex transitions such as crises and emergencies – among them social, climate, and health – with large impacts on the experience and development of communities. Such a massive change brings an urgent need to adapt the scope and practices of design. Considering such challenges as opportunities, this paper presents two main focuses: on one hand, the importance of sharing and delivering simple visual information tools to optimize communication and interaction in critical contexts; a collaborative information kit for managing Covid-19 is one example. However, some local interpretations and practices affect the performance and involvement of effective communication for critical scenarios, constituting permanent challenges. On the other hand, emergent scenarios constitute complex transitions that stimulate new approaches to managing crises and emergencies. Here, participatory workshops that evolved from face-to-face to online platforms evidence practical ways to adapt. The cases presented here extensively utilize the Guemil Icons for Emergencies, a project developed by a team from UC School of Design, Chile (Diseño UC) and the National Research Centre for Integrated Disaster Management (CIGIDEN). Through the cases, this paper shows how exploring open tools – such as visual tools – and co-creating instances for dialog – such as participatory design – constitute approaches to the role of an adaptation defined by design, perceptions of experience provided by discovering what communities think and know. Therefore, new ways to communicate need innovative approaches to adapt to upcoming crises and emergencies. As the conclusion emphasizes, climate crises bring new opportunities and an open design approach facilitates collaboration, promoting resilient cultures; design for adaptation constitutes a starting topic.
Visual, Dialogs, Crises, Climate, Adaptation, Experience, Visual, Dialogs, Crises, Climate, Adaptation, Experience